Introducing Cat-A-Maze™
Your cat’s safety is our business!
Kickstarter campaign in-the-works! Check back soon.
PATENTED Cat-A-Maze™ gives your cat free-will access to the outdoors, offering her opportunities for additional enrichment in a safe setting, so you can live worry-free together, happily ever-after.
Kit designed for simple assembly
Safety cage, roof, and bug screen keeps predators and biting insects out
Buy a little or a lot: scale and customize the maze with more towers and tunnels to fit your space and budget
Cats love choices, and a Cat-A-Maze™ gives your cat the freedom to come and go outside, while keeping them safe from harm.
Cats enjoy fresh air, the sights and sounds of nature. Cat-A-Maze™ provides your cat with an environment that stimulates their natural curiosity.
Bored cats may also be stressed cats who sometimes engage in destructive behavior or develop chronic diseases like urinary tract infections. Cat-A-Maze™ may help to alleviate your cat’s boredom by providing environmental enrichment that stimulates their natural instincts and curiosity.
Letting your cat “outside” into a Cat-A-Maze™ protects your cat from hazards, and prevents exposure to parasites and other organisms from eating prey.
Sadly, 14 million cats get lost each year, and 3.4 million enter shelters; less than 5% of cats who come to shelters as strays are returned to their owners.
The life expectancy of indoor cats is 17 years on average, while for outdoor cats it is only 3-5 years.
cats are like kids
Over half of American households with cats view their cats as members of their family. Just like kids, cats need our protection, and will thrive in an enriching home environment.
When outside, cats are both predator, and prey
Free roaming cats are at risk of injury or death from predators like coyotes, other wild animals, loose dogs and feral cats, vehicles, diseases and sadly even human cruelty.
In one study on cat mortality, the leading cause of death was from trauma.
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
The truth is, when we let our cats outside unsupervised, we can’t protect them.
keeping our cats safe is responsible pet ownership, and good environmental stewardship, too
Cats’ hunger and prey drives are separate instincts. Well-fed house cats still hunt, but only bring home 25% of their prey.
Loose cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year in the U.S. alone, making cat predation by far the largest human-caused (they are an introduced species) mortality threat to birds.
33 species of animals, 23 of which are birds, have gone extinct because of cat predation.
The Cat-A-Maze™ Outdoor Habitat Kit was created with cats’ needs for safe outdoor enrichment and bird conservation in mind.
Customize your Cat-A-Maze™ to suit your space and budget.
Do you like the idea of giving your cat a safe place to experience the outdoors, and of helping to protect birds and other wildlife?
I am self-financing and crowdfunding this ambitious product. So that I can launch our Kickstarter campaign and pay for the first manufacturing run as soon as possible, please consider making a financial investment that will help me to finalize the product’s design more quickly.
You can send support using both PayPal and Zelle. THANK YOU!
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American Pet Products Association (APPA): 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey
How Many Pets Are Lost? How Many Find Their Way Home? ASPCA Survey Has Answers: Animals, June 2012
Humane Society of the United States.
O’Neil DG, Church DB, McGreevy PD, Thomson PC, Brodbelt DC. Longevity and mortality of cats attending primary care veterinary practices in England. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. February 2015
Loss, Scott R, Will, Tom, Marra, Peter. The impact of free-ranging cats on Wildlife in the United States. Nature Communications, 2013/01/29/online,
Photo credits: Lucas Schrader, Steve N. G. Howell
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